200,000+ happy customers • 27 years experience
Want to give your kids something fun to do while they listen to the sermon?
These Sermon Notes printables are a super fun and engaging way for kids to take notes during church service.
Not only are they super engaging, but they also have the cutest designs with areas to color in too! :)
This set is 8.5x11 sheets and I would just print them, fold in half, and keep in your Bible for the times when your kids need something to help them in listening to a sermon. It can be kinda tough on kids to sit still for a long time or listen to anyone talk for a long period of time. I definitely get that, but we also want to train our children that sermons are important so this is the perfect solution! <3
Sections include:
- Date
- Pastor
- Today's Verses
- What I Learned
- I'm Thankful For
- Things to Pray For
- My Favorite Song
- Words I Don't Know
- Questions I Have
Design themes include:
- Animals
- Robots
- Fruit
- Cars
- Black and White Doodles
- Flowers
Instant digital download (nothing will be shipped).